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Brozeek and Crozag

Brozeek and Crozag were two of the Bro-iest Crypto-Bros around.

Brozeek and Crozag, Crypto-Bros


Cro! Slicmer got me on the BSRS pre-sale!

Now all we gotta do is swap outfits, then you can go back in there as me.

Tell Slicmer you lost your wallet key, so you made a new wallet and need to add it to the list.

Then give him your wallet address, and we'll both be able to buy an NFT!

Social engineering at its finest, Cro.


Bro, you usually have good ideas, but this one is really terrible.

Manipulating friends with social engineering isn't cool, Bro.

Let's do it!

After finishing the final challenge...spoilers!


Hey, Cro, check out what this human's got. It's a BSRS NFT.

I bet it took some master-level social engineering to pull that off.


That Chorizo guy, Bro...

What a snob. It makes sense he wasn't invited to the pre-sale.