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Slicmer stood in front of the Blockchain Explorer terminal.



Don't bug me, kid. Luigi needs me to keep an eye on these offers you can't refute.

The boss told me to watch them for any shifty transactions from wallets that aren't on the pre-sale list.

He said to use this Block Explo... Exploder... thing.

With this, I can see all the movement of the uh... non-fungusable tokens.

Once on the blockchain, it's there forever for the whole world to see.

So if I spot anything that don't look right, I can let Luigi know, and Palzari will get to the bottom of it.

She looks sweet, but she's actually the boss' enforcer. Have you talked to her yet? She even scares me!

It sure would be fun to watch you get on her bad side. Heh heh.

After completing the Bored Sporc Rowboat Society challenge (spoilers!):


Hmph... this is so boring...

"This is a serious task" he said, "not a sporc headbutting-party" he said.

"Mess this up, Slicmer, and I'll tie a rock to your feet and throw you down a well!" he said.

I think this job was just to keep me out of his way. Luigi thinks I'm a blockhead.

Well I think he's a -- Huh? Wait a minute...

Hey! Boss! I think I see somethin'!