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Jill Underpole

Jill Underpole

Jill Underpole

Umm, can I help you?

Me? I'm Jill Underpole, thank you very much.

I'm working on this here smoke terminal.

Cloud? Sure, whatever you want to call it.

Anyway, you're welcome to try this out, if you think you know what you're doing.

You'll have to learn some basics about the AWS command line interface (CLI) to be successful though.

After completing the AWS CLI challenge (spoilers!):

Jill Underpole

Wait, you got it done, didn't you?

Ok, consider me impressed. You could probably help Gerty, too.

The first trick'll be running the Trufflehog tool.

It's as good at sniffing out secrets as I am at finding mushrooms!

After that, it's just a matter of getting to the secret the tool found.

I'd bet a basket of portobellos you'll get this done!