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Hidden place right off the Castle Approach

Hey Farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like

back here, on the left side of the castle:

The Approach

Had a "Terminal Challenge" that just showed this:


This terminal is where you can go if you forget/lost/never wrote down your Wallet key. It was a long-winded converstation you have to sit through just so Santa can present it with you. And frankly you probably deserve it if you didn't write it down.


So, I've heard a rumor that you lost the Private Key to your KringleCoin wallet.

I must admit, I'm more than a little disappointed in you.

I'm sure that you were told that if you lose your Private Key, it CAN'T be recovered...

Well, I suppose that isn't entirely true...

Christmas Magic can do even those things that are, otherwise, impossible.

But you've been naughty, and before I'll use Christmas Magic to recover your key, you need to prove 

I'm going to need you to go on a quest...

First, you'll need to find Yukon Cornelius, and help him track down what he calls a *Bumble*.

Take a tooth from the *Bumble* and carry it deep into the Misty Mountains, and trade it with Gwairhair, 
Windlord of the Great Eagles, for one of his feathers.

If Gwairhair is reluctant to trade, tell him that I have sent you.

With that feather, you must scale the walls of Sombertown, and find the home of Burgermeister 

Take the feather, and tickle Burgermeister Meisterburger, so that he may laugh and feel joy!

Once he feels joy, he'll happily give you safe passage to the Isle of Misfit Toys...

There, you must find Dolly, and tell her that a horrible mistake has been made and she's perfectly fine...

Not a misfit at all...

Thus, having set right one of the greatest wrongs of the Christmas season, you will have proved yourself 

Then, if you come back here, I will tell you...

...that your key is


Write it down NOW, mmmmmkay?