Dusty Giftwrap
Dusty was next to the Windows Event Logs terminal challenge.
Dusty Giftwrap
Hi! I'm Dusty Giftwrap!
We think the Snowrog was attracted to the pungent smell from the baking lembanh.
I'm trying to discover which ingredient could be causing such a stench.
I think the answer may be in these suspicious logs.
I'm focusing on Windows Powershell logs. Do you have much experience there?
You can work on this offline or try it in this terminal.
Golly, I'd appreciate it if you could take a look.
After solving the Windows Event Logs
challenge (spoilers!)
Dusty Giftwrap
Say, you did it! Thanks a million!
Now we can mix in the proper ingredients and stop attracting the Snowrog!
I'm all set now! Can you help Fitzy over there wield the exalted Suricata?
It can be a bit mystifying at first, but this Suricata Tome should help you fathom it.
I sure hope you can make it work!